Strength for Service
To God and Country

Strength for Service to God and Country is a book of daily devotions for military personnel and veterans.
It was written to answer life’s tough questions for individuals who stand in harm’s way, questioning the spiritual affects and consequences of the events and trials they face.
What Others Have to Say
“I can testify being deployed away from family and friends will cause people like us to be discouraged and lonely. I know the times I encountered issues like those, I lean on God more than ever. When I read this book, along with my Bible in the morning before duty, it helps me to go through my day whatever circumstances come my way. The fifth Psalm, third verse, mentions, ‘My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.’ I want to thank you for reviving the Strength for Service book, and I pray that it will continue to bless other Armed Forces personnel and give them the encouragement to go through life –– as it has done for me.”
Bennie Smith
Maintenance Support Specialist
Warner Robins, Ga.
Robins Air Base
“Thank you so very much for sending the Field Artillery Regiment (4th BCT, 10th MTN ID) a box of Strength for Service. As an active duty Army chaplain and United Methodist clergy (SWTX Annual Conf.), I really appreciate the high quality of the devotions and my soldiers really get a morale boost when they find out that the book is free to them.”
Captain Stephen Echols
Battalion Chaplain
Fort Drum, N.Y.
5th Battalion, 25th Field Artillery Regiment 4th BCT, 10th Mountain Infantry Division (LI)
“I truly appreciate the blessing that you are distributing amongst soldiers. The impact of something as seemingly small as a book, can make a life-changing impact. Thank you.”
Tanner Mitchell
Chaplain’s Assistant
Haleyville, Ala.
877th Engineer Batallion
“Thank you so much for your support via the God and Country daily devotional books. I love them and have been handing them out like candy to our sailors onboard the ship. Not only is there some very good content in the booklets there is that all important connection to the past heroes that is so important to our military mindset.”
Lieutenant Butter Williams
Command Chaplain
Jacksonville, Fla.
USS Gettysburg, a guided missile cruiser, Mayport Naval Station