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1-48 books:
To God and Country 
To God and Community
To God and Country, Scout Edition

$10.00 per book

Shipping costs vary based on quantity and location and will be added to the invoice.

For larger orders, please email admin@strengthforservice.org.

Orders may take up to 2 weeks for delivery. If ordering for an event, we need a 2 week minimum notice. Once received, we will contact you to confirm the details.

Invoices are processed through PayPal after order confirmation. Books will be shipped upon receipt of payment.


1-48 books:
To God and Country 
To God and Community
To God and Country, Scout Edition

$10.00 per book

Shipping costs are dependent upon the number of books and shipping location. Fees will be added to the invoice accordingly.

If requesting more than that, please email admin@strengthforservice.org.

We appreciate your interest in ordering our devotional books. Note: book orders can take up to 2 weeks for delivery. Upon receiving your order information, we will contact you to review the details. 

Kindly note: Confirmed orders are invoiced through our PayPal system, after the order is received.

Book Order